Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Writing the sequel to Pandemonia Chronicles: DAWN

Well, seeing as how I've now released the first book it is time I start getting the sequel finished for publication.

As of this moment, about perhaps 10% of the second book is done. I've had the outline for all the books in the series planned for many years, so it's just a matter of actually writing down what is in my head, as the characters speak and the events unfold before me. My writing process is less, "What I want to see" and more "What comes out of me as I write". The first draft is always a big splurge of action and adventure, and then I go back later and fill in the gaps with conversations and discussions and details to the scenery. And editing, oh lots of editing. Sometimes even a few character and location name changes as I change my mind about what they ought to be called.

I can tell you this much about the next part of Gestalt's story; it'll actually be two books, and one of them won't necessarily be about Gestalt. One of them will follow an adventure Zaria goes on. Sort of.

It's hard to explain without revealing an important subplot from the next book, so I'll just talk about it: the second book, Pandemonia Chronicles: EVE, is going to focus strongly on the demon world. If you read the book to the end you'll know that some of the demon lords are not pleased about the idea of a human being their king, even if he is possessed by Anu Malsumis. Some demons actually believe they don't need the Demon King anymore, as they've got along quite well without him for many centuries.

So there will be a plot to usurp the throne coming at Gestalt from several directions. I don't anticipate events unfolding into a civil war (that would be very bad, as it would make Pandemonia susceptible to invasion from the Gluskab Empire, and nobody wants that -- also, with Anu's powers Gestalt can become ridiculously powerful, so directly trying to kill him isn't the most healthiest tactic. The conspirators need to be more subtle) but there will be blood!

One of these attempts will seek to isolate Gestalt from his friends.  In particular, efforts will be made to get rid of Zaria, who some may rightfully view as a stabilizing pillar for Gestalt's moral compass. Surely without her love and support Gestalt would have given up resisting Anu early on, and that fact will be taken advantage of.

Zaria will be tricked into doing something she believes will allow her to get closer to Gestalt and help him, when in reality this act will cause her to be cursed into a deep slumber, Sleeping Beauty style. However, unlike the fairy tail Zaria will have no pleasant sleep -- the curse will make her live out her deepest and darkest fears, and chief among those fears is Gestalt going dark side. So while the subplot of Zaria being cursed and then that curse being broken may only consume a few chapters of the second book, I will be writing another "side-story" called "Pandemonia Chronicles: The Nightmare of Zaria" that will detail what transpired in Zaria's nightmare and how that experience has affected not only the way she views herself but her relationship with Gestalt. The book will end with her curse being broken, and how the experience has changed her will be reflected in the latter chapters of EVE.

You may wonder why I am doing it this way. The main reason is because I want to further explore the themes of good and evil. Most fiction focuses greatly on how the hero may be tempted to do great evil but always chooses the side of right. I don't think people are built that way. I think it is very possible that someone who is trying to do good can give in to their baser instincts, justifying what they are doing in any way they can. Gestalt, who is basically possessed by a manipulative psychopath (Anu Malsumis) who can hear all his thoughts and know all his secrets, constantly teeters on the edge. Every crisis he finds himself in, he ends up turning to the Demon King for help and guidance. And though Gestalt is not stupid and knows the Demon King has his own ambitions, Gestalt reluctantly listens some of the time. Having a charismatic but bad friend who is constantly giving bad advice is one way a person can go dark side.

In a way, Anu is The One Ring from The Lord of the Rings, if we could hear what The One Ring is saying to Frodo and Golum, and if it could actually give them a substantial amount of Sauron's power.

The second reason is because Zaria is capable of more growth. She's had a little during the events of DAWN, but she requires more. I dislike the idea of separating her from Gestalt so she can go off on her own adventure that runs parallel to Gestalt's; that doesn't seem a natural progression of the story to me. She's already had to stay home as he went off to war, which isn't ideal but makes more sense than someone with little to no combat experience going off into battle just because it'll make her look like a stronger female character. She is strong, but she is strong in her own way, and that will come out as she must face her fears in her nightmare of what will happen if Gestalt goes dark side and she is unable to save him.

Then, the curse having been broken, so can return to the "real world" with the newly obtained knowledge about herself and be a more compelling character than she currently is.

As for Gestalt, he will start having his own share of dreams-- flashbacks from Anu's past. He will be informed that his heavy usage of Anu's power from the prior book has hastened the fusion of their souls. Anu is delighted, because he believes he can become the dominant personality if the circumstances are in his favor. Gestalt will attempt to not rely on Anu's power and learn more about the depths of elemental magic, but certain circumstances (such as Zaria being cursed) will force him to make a hard decision between increasing the bond between Anu and himself, or turning a blind eye to those who need help that cannot easily be obtained without the use of Anu's godly powers and knowledge.

So, the plan is for two books to be released at the same time. If you enjoyed the first one, I think you'll love the next two!


  1. Wow, that sounds great. I am really looking forward to seeing the story unfold...
    I have to admit I'm a sucker for fantasy with a twist and this story seems to be full of potential... I just finished book one - couldn't put it down :) an advantage of beeing sick and having time to read ...

  2. Hi krissi! I'm really glad you enjoyed the story and came to check out this blog! Thanks so much for doing so!

    I'm sorry to hear that you are sick. I hope you feel better soon.

    By the way, I'd really appreciate if you'd take some time to leave a review for the book on the Amazon page, so other readers might know if they should check it out or not. It's hard to get reviews when you're a self-published author! http://www.amazon.com/Pandemonia-Chronicles-DAWN-ebook/dp/B007DZCMJC
